Estate Plan Outline
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Estate Plan Outline

Creating an estate plan is important for various reasons, and it's a process that is relevant to individuals from all walks of life, not just those with significant wealth. Here are some key reasons why estate planning is crucial and who should consider creating a plan:

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Building Safe and Energy-Efficient Homes
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Building Safe and Energy-Efficient Homes

When it comes to creating energy-efficient homes, the integration of water, vapor, air, and thermal barriers is not just a best practiceβ€”it's a critical necessity. These building concepts play a pivotal role in preserving the integrity of the building envelope, ensuring comfort, and maximizing energy performance. Let's delve into why these barriers are so important and what consequences may arise if they are not properly incorporated into home design.

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Modern Homesteading Goes Digital:
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Modern Homesteading Goes Digital:

In the era of digital connectivity, modern homesteaders are taking their commitment to sustainable living to new heights by becoming content creators on platforms like YouTube.

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Homesteading -Getting Started
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Homesteading -Getting Started

Modern homesteaders often embark on their journey with a combination of careful planning, research, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Let’s get started.

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Keyline Design and Object Permanence
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Keyline Design and Object Permanence

Keyline design is a holistic land management system that addresses the relationships between soil, water, plants, and animals. P.A. Yeomans introduced this concept in his 1954 book, "Water for Every Farm," outlining a method that would optimize the use of water resources in agriculture.

One of the key principles within Yeomans' Keyline design is the concept of "object permanence." Derived from child psychology, the term "object permanence" refers to a child's ability to understand that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight. In the context of Keyline design, this principle implies creating lasting and sustainable changes to the landscape.

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Choosing the Ideal Homestead:
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Choosing the Ideal Homestead:

Embarking on the journey to establish a homestead involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure the success and resilience of your new lifestyle. Beyond the fundamental considerations, here's a comprehensive guide to help you choose the perfect location for your homestead:

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The Resurgence of Modern Homesteaders
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

The Resurgence of Modern Homesteaders

In the latter half of the 20th century, some individuals and families began to embrace homesteading as a lifestyle choice, focusing on self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a return to traditional skills. Fast forward to the dynamic landscape of the 21st century, and we witness a burgeoning movement that seamlessly blends the wisdom of traditional homesteading with the advancements of modern technology. Today's homesteaders, motivated by a deep commitment to sustainable living, are reshaping the notion of home and agriculture, creating a harmonious synergy between age-old practices and contemporary innovations. Join us on a journey to explore the evolving world of modern homesteading and its profound impact on the way we live and cultivate our spaces.

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Are you a Prepper?
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Are you a Prepper?

People often inquire whether I identify as a prepper when they visit our homestead. In anticipation of sharing insights into modern-day homesteading, I thought it fitting to articulate my perspectives on these commonly used terms. Before delving into the intricacies of our homesteading journey, let's explore the distinctions between prepping, survivalism, and the unique lifestyle that is modern-day homesteading.

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 Rediscovering the Root Cellar:
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Rediscovering the Root Cellar:

🌱 Discover the Magic of Modern Root Cellars! 🌿

Transform your approach to food storage with the wonders of modern root cellars! πŸ₯•πŸ Imagine a space that keeps your fruits, vegetables, and even seeds at their peak freshness, ready for your table or garden. 🏑✨

βœ… High & Low Humidity Zones: The secret? Dual zones for high and low humidity, catering to the unique needs of each produce item. From crisp apples to hearty root vegetables, our modern root cellar creates the perfect environment for optimal freshness. 🌬️🌧️

βœ… Seed Sanctuary: Not just for fruits and veggies! Harness the power of a consistent, cool, and dark environment to store seeds. Preserve their viability and ensure a thriving garden for seasons to come. 🌱🌞

βœ… Eco-Friendly Preservation: Say goodbye to food waste! With a root cellar, you'll reduce spoilage and enjoy the fruits of your labor for longer. Embrace sustainable living by extending the shelf life of your harvest. πŸŒπŸ“

Ready to elevate your food storage game? Join the modern homesteading movement and embrace the charm and efficiency of a state-of-the-art root cellar. Your garden-fresh delights await!

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Vernal Pools
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Vernal Pools

Vernal pools, those transient water bodies that come to life with the arrival of spring, stand as hidden gems within the diverse tapestry of ecosystems. Their ephemeral nature, filling up during specific seasons only to dry up as summer unfolds, adds a layer of intrigue to these unique habitats. Let's delve into the world of vernal pools, exploring their definition, functions in cold temperate climates, the array of species they harbor, and the critical components that make them essential to preserve.

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Composting: A Sustainable Way to Improve Soil Quality
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Composting: A Sustainable Way to Improve Soil Quality

Composting is a natural process of decomposing organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. The benefits of composting include reducing waste, improving soil health, and promoting plant growth. There are various composting methods, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the different types of composting systems and their respective benefits and limitations.

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Hugelkultur: A Sustainable Gardening Practice
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Hugelkultur: A Sustainable Gardening Practice

Hugelkultur is a sustainable gardening practice that has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to improve soil quality, conserve water, and produce abundant crops. At the Mindful Living Sanctuary, we have extensively used hugelkultur pits as a way to create fertile soil for our gardens.

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Water Harvesting
Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace

Water Harvesting

Water is a precious resource that is essential for life. However, many regions around the world are facing water scarcity due to population growth, climate change, and inefficient water use. By using water harvesting techniques, we can reduce our dependence on municipal water supplies and contribute to water conservation efforts.

In addition to reducing water consumption and conserving water resources, water harvesting can also help to mitigate the impacts of climate change. As temperatures rise and weather patterns become more unpredictable, we are likely to see more frequent droughts and water shortages. Water harvesting can help to build resilience to these impacts by providing a reliable source of water for households, gardens, and communities.

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